Both games in the double pack are great and 2 for $39.99 you can't go wrong.

User Rating: 8.4 | Castlevania Double Pack GBA
Any Castlevania fan should definitely buy this double pack and play through the games one at a time,but should also watch for the stuck syndrome halfway through Harmony of Dissonance.The Graphics aren't special,it's a GBA game for Christ's sake,but the Gameplay is smooth at best.The Sound is great for any fan of VG music,and the value is just amazing considering you get two good games for the price of one.Like all Castlevania games,it's rich in Story and Characters and it has alot of familiar,entertaining bosses which includes the darkest of the dark:DEATH and DRACULA!!

If you're a fan of Vampire games or the Castlevania series,you can't miss this one.