Dracula, it would appear that we meet again, except this time I brought some friends to the party...
- Music is brilliant and energetic.
- Wide variety of collectibles (weapons, armour, spells etc.)
- Mulitplayer is addictive.
- All characters play differently, adding replay value.
- Challenging yet fun boss battles.
- Grinding for items is quite fun/
The Bad:
- Clearly not designed for single player.
- Only 6 different stages which you are expected to play over and over.
- A single game can hold 6 different players, yet there are only 5 different playable characters.
- Graphics are dated and clearly not HD despite what the title of the game tells you.
- No levelling system.
- Very hard for newbies of the series as important things are not explained well at all.
Favorite Moment:
- You and 5 allies taking on Dracula.
Worst Moment:
- The first few hours of playing
This 2D side scroller attempts to create a new kind of Castlevania game by adding multiplayer, sadly in doing so it loses a lot of the classic Castlevania charm that can be found earlier in the series.
The first few hours of gameplay can be quite frustrating. When you begin you control a character equipped with basic items that wouldn't be able to finish Chapter One by yourself on your first playthrough. When trying to join an online game for assistance, you are likely to find that everyone wishes to play on hard but once they realise they can't because you haven't finished the first Chapter on Normal, they leave. This leaves you in quite a predicament where you need to play nice to the people inside your lobby and ask them for help. This can be very annoying to say the least, but the problem soon fades as you eventually progress through Chapters.
Yes this is a very fun game but it definitely is something that would play better between a group of friends and not a group of strangers over Xbox Live. Yes, the graphics are dated but it still maintains the classic Castlevania style and the 2D side scrolling gameplay (which is a rare feet for a game featured on the Xbox 360).
Worth the money? Only if you are a fan of the series and have a group to play it with. Either way, 1200 Microsoft points is a little steep. 800 points would have been the perfect price for this game.