Takes the basics of Castlevania: Circle of the Moon and improves on it.

User Rating: 8.1 | Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance GBA
The second Castlevania game for the GBA proves that developers do listen to opinions on games. The biggest complaint about Circle of the Moon was the dark, hard to make out images on the screen. Thankfully, with Harmony of Dissonance, Konami has corrected this problem.The graphics are much more crisp and clear for this effort and the graphics are easily on par with Konami's PS1 release. The plot follows Juste Belmont who must, yet again, venture through a castle again. This game features the familiar foes of Medusas and Death as well as new enenmies to challenge you. Not content with simply making a new game, the developers have overhauled the entire magic system from Circle of the Moon. You still collect items to equip but now you must collect various stones and other items that change the attack power of your whip. Attaching these tips to your whip change the nature and attack strength of attacks. You also collect Relics which grant you abilities that allow you to explore previously impenetrable areas. This game also introduces Spell Books. These consist of four elemental books and a Summoning Tome that allow you to spend MP to attack ferociously. The familiar sub weapons return to give a sense of familiarity. This game improves so much on COTM that I must recommend it to anyone who enjoyed the previous game or enjoys the Metroid series.