Excellent game, loads of fun, revolutionary for its time.

User Rating: 8.1 | Castlevania II: Simon's Quest NES
Castlevania 2 is an excellent game that was years ahead of its time. The game features a menu system that allows you to equip different items for different situations. The game also features an experience system. Depending on the enemy you kill a certain amount of experience is gained. Over time this experience gives you more health. Pretty nice considering there are no in level health power-ups, you have to find a town with a church for that. The bosses are a joke and killing Dracula is anti-climatic. Sometimes it is more fun getting to a destination. The game is surprisingly deep and is good for hours of entertainment. Be careful about missing items though, you are in for some serious backtracking if you fail to pick something up the first time. Overall, great game.