I will jump right to the bad points of this game. I wanted to give it a ten but a few things just kept me a bit angry. The camera angle is something that pains me to see in a game like this. It kinda does whatever it wants to do rather then just stay where you need it. This doesn't occur in every battle but the ones it does are the ones you lose the most. The difficulty reminds me of those battles in the Soul Caliber series where all the sudden the computer can't stop from kicking your ass. Some battles require you to block almost every attack and then counter only when it is safe, and sometimes this takes a bit of practice. On the good side of this game is the Character design. Most will whine about the fact that the characters look different than previous incarnations but since this game has a time rift bringing together characters that would never be together normally I figure it probably isn't canon within the series. I think they look good and despite being a different take still stay true to the series. The attacks and combos all look good and go with the characters they represent. Place Order of Eclesia on the DS and then play shanoa in this game and you will see what I mean. Course if you can do this then go ahead and connect your DS to the Wii and unlock shanoa and some extra content. The stages are great and some have hazards that add to the experience (though they can be turned off and on accordingly). The music for the most part are different takes on different classic and contemporary tracks from among the series so you know what to expect. The different modes give you a little variety in how you wanna fight and you can go online if you prefer. The castle mode in particular requires you to pass certain criteria to advance that isn't just kill the enemies. This breaks up some of the game so it doesn't get tired. I don't really view this game as a fighter but as a Castlevania game. So if you like Castlevania games then give it a try; you may just learn to like it if you can get past the camera angles and differing difficulty.
First of all, I'd like to point out that the main reason this game is getting bad score sis because of the style change and the fact that it's castlevania but a fighting game, so it immediately gets a negative bias becau... Read Full Review
So I saw the previews for Castlevania Judgement, and I'm thinking," Castlevania + One-on-One Fighter + Wii = ?" I had my doubts about it. I read that all the characters generally had only two combos. It probably just ... Read Full Review