Its a fun, interesting, and exciting game to play. And its a heck of a lot better than Castlevania 64.

User Rating: 8.3 | Castlevania PS2
Many people were scared about Castlevania Lament of Innocence, because they feared it was going to be like Castlevania 64. Well rest assured, its not. Castlevania LOI is a suprisingly fun game. It takes place before the rest of the other Castlevania games. You play as Leon Belmont, whos girlfriend was captured by Walter, Head of the castle. You are handed a whip to fight all the minions in the castle. You explore 7 beautiful stages of the castle. The cutscenes in this game are very interesting and the plot always makes you wonder whats going to happen next. The stages are very cool to look at and the names add more of an eerie feeling to it. Doesnt the name "Garden Forgotten by Time" or "Prison of Eternal Torture" just creep you out. And theyre are a variety of enemies to fight. Another nice element to the game is the Orbs and Relics system. All Orbs and Relics so something different and theyre very cool. The game also contains a nice soundtrack. It sort of has this dark symphony in it, but it would have been nice if the had some licensed music. It would have been cool to fight a boss listening to Cradle of Filth, Dimmu Borgir, and even Deadsy. Theyre is a few problems though, one is you can control the camera. Sometimes the camera will be put in a spot to see if your running into a door or a wall. Another problem is the jumping puzzles. There are some puzzles that could make you go crazy and frustrated. The bosses throught the game are very nice. There all very creepy. Overall, this is a fun game and if your a Castlevania youll definitely love this.