Its first time in 3D in quite a while and it is an improvement. However it does feel as if you're doing the same thing!
As per usual, you're a Belmont. In fact, you're the first Belmont, Leon. Upon hearing your bride has been kidnapped by darker forces, while on a crusade, Leon seeks assistance from his lord, but is granted none. He sets out to find her on his own. Eventually he comes across a mysterious wood, where he meets a man, who gives him a whip. He also says that the lord of the castle is a vampire, by the name of Walter.
I'm actually fairly surprised at how good looking the game is. It is dark, but feels atmospheric and natural. Each environment has been designed with a theme, and on the most part it works. Leon and his whip in particular look better than expected. Even the enemies look more forboding than they usually do, unless size is the case!
Leon has a set of core abilites, which he uses throughout. He learns new attacks with his whip, which are done via button combos. This method does seem borrowed, but what they do to the enemies makes it worthwhile. In terms of layout, the game feels more linear. There is still exploration to be done, but generally, you'll be guided along a path, due to the difficulty of the enemies you meet. They can be accessed whenever you wish though.
All that wandering around however is incredibly boring. Its the same layouts over and over, without much change. Combat, while incredible the first few hours, gets dated when playing for more than that. The game is more combat based, which could put off veterans. The enemies aren't as varied as they have been in the 2D Castlevanias, but are interesting when first encountered. The bosses are a saving grace, as they prove to be challenging and interesting constantly.
Castlevania has always been praised for its sound, in particular music, and that doesn't stop here. The voiceovers are much better than Symphony of the Night, but apart from that, though of good quality, it doesn't compare to that or some of Aria of Sorrow's music.
The game isn't really that long either, compared to the 2D versions. Yes some bosses and puzzles may get you confused, but once the last boss is gone, all that is really left is a secret character or two. Yes, it offers a new style of play, but essentially, its the same castle.
I wish I could say that this is the perfect transfer to 3D, but it isn't. It doesn't come close. It is however a better attempt than some give it credit for, but essentially, it just gets tiresome.