I beat Lord Of Shadows in PS3 some years ago and at that time I felt that it was one of the best game I've played.
As Lord of Shadows 2 was released some days ago and I bought it. I decided to try Mirror of Fate due to it is part of the story. I did not want to spend money on a remastered 3DS game, however, because I really liked LoS1, I made an exception.
Well, Glad to have tried this game.
The graphics are simple, just a remastered to 1080p of the 3DS game. However, textures are cloudy in general and it is like 2D games.
The Score is top notch, it is the same composer (Oscar Araujo) who composed the previous version. I was amazed with the score. Add additional drama to the story.
Story is the essential part of the game. Given the great story, I was hooked from the very beginning. It is not complicated, nor deep, but I decided to be involved in the melodrama.
Gameplay is very criticized to be similar to God of War. Well, yes. But I don't care. If it is entertained, it worth the lack of originality. However, In this case, you play three characters, each of them has unique abilities. Something that makes you think about its own personality.
Initially, I thought that it was going to be a short game of one sit. Well It took me +10 hours. At the beginning, I was not totally convinced on completing the game giving the simplicity of everything but after 3 hours in (betting the Act I), I wanted more.
If you liked the previous installment, I highly recommend to play this. Specially if you are going to try LoS2.
Thanks for reading.