This game will blow you away with the Visuals,Sound and Gameplay.
Published by: Konami & Kojima
Developed by: MercurySteam
Platform: X-box 360
Rating: M
The visuals in Castlevania:lords of shadow is a master piece to look at with all of its design of the the environments that you would be in, the cut scenes were amazing, the in game graphics were great as well, the detail to all the textures of this game was amazing too, and in some parts of the visuals it very bright and colorful in some areas which it captured the moment and in some areas the visuals were nicely dark to capture the erie moments. the visuals in Castlevania: Lords of Shadow are some of the best graphics I've seen since games like ME1&2,RDR,Alan Wake and Fable 2 but that just my comparison, some people may have other games that compare other then the ones that I mention. But that's cool.
The audio in Castlevania:Lords of Shadow was spectacular, the voice acting from the two main characters and along with the narrator of all the opening chapter's and his role as Zobek Patrick Stewart was excellent and Robert Carlyle as Gabriel Belmont was great and so was all the other voice actors and actress's of Castlevania were amazing as well as all their counter parts and made every character very believable, the musical score in Castlevania:Lords of Shadow was just amazing it set the mood when you weren't doing much in some point's and it set the tone of the game when you were about to get into a fight or about to take on a boss fight which made that moment feel that much more epic.
what can I say about the game-play for Castlevania:Lords of Shadow, well for one I have never played the GOW series so I will not even compare the two games, but I will say this it"s about the third hack & slash game that I have played for the 360 and with everything I've said about the graphics and audio the one issue I had with this game's game-play and I'm sure every one else that as played or is playing this game is the lack of camera movement but with that problem aside, this game is very epic, long and hard I will recommend that if you are new this series and to this game play through it on it's easy difficulty cause if don't you will get so frustrated to point of all most breaking your controller but even on easy this game is very challenging and with the games puzzle's and little mini game's were you are going to actually think to get them done or you can just purchase the method if you find the scroll that has the method but by doing that you will lose out on the award that you will get by solving it your self, I also liked the transition from the 3d world of the game to the parts that had 2d side scrolling and platforming which the puzzles, mini-games and the 2d side scrolling platforming gave a nice break from the action. I also liked the fact that it used every part of the 360 controller every button had a use, and their is tons of combos that can be used and purchased once they are unlocked but you can go through the game with out you start with, their are plenty of enemies to hack and slash your way through so the came does not get repetitive. For me this game feels like some of the hack and slashes that I have played in some retrospect SW:TFU and Dante's Inferno and in my mind both those game's are great but this game is a lot better than Dante's Inferno that's for sure and I was just impressed cause I did not want to get this game when it came out but I said what the hell I gave this game chance it was incredible. Oh yeah a little tip do not skip the end credits cause their is an amazing cut scene that leaves a hanger for a sequel and sorry if this is a spoiler.
My overall point for Castlevania: Lords of Shadow is to buy and play this game I strongly recommend this game and I'm not a fan-boy of this series I've only played one castlevania game and that one was on the N64 and it was alright, but this is way better than that one. They are finally pushing this series in the right direction in my mind.
great work konami and mecurysteam keep it up.