A game that keeps you playing from beginning to end and yet still has the same feel as Lament of Innocence.

User Rating: 7 | Castlevania: Lords of Shadow PS3
Lets start by saying Lords of Shadow is a beautiful game. I myself am a PC gamer and found myself picking this up a bit after launch day. And this game looks really good. However the experience is flawed. The game has some terrible pacing and the game also lacks replay value. I have played through the game once and what an experience it was however.

The game plays similar to God of War, in a sense, but the game is focused more on the aspect of plat-forming and puzzles rather then the full fledged idea of combat. Lords of Shadow is flawed by some kind of bad narrative as well unlike the God of War series. However for action fans a story-line might be the last of your worries.

Konami defiantly had there work cut out for them bringing back a fairly big title in gaming not to say adding the Kojima seal on it, as most people would recognise from the Metal Gear Solid series. But I must say I was expecting well more for a game with the Kojima seal on it, and was rather disappointed with how the game actually turned out.

Overall it is an ok experience but defiantly one that should be picked up in the cheap bin and not a full price game.