i have always loved castlevania games including the 3d castlevania games and portrait of ruin is no exception. it's really fun to play, it has lots of resaons to keep playing even after you beat the game, and it has online multiplayer. however i do think that the multiplayer could have been better but that's my only real complaint. the only other complaint i can think of is that it doesn't have the best soundtrack when compared with other castlevania games. that's not to say that it doesn't have good music because it does just like every castlevania game but this one just isn't as good as some of the more memorable soundtracks of previous games. but i thought this game was addictive and i think anyone who likes castlevania games should play it if they have a ds.
Other Helpful Reviews for Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
THE GOOD: Interesting dual-character mechanics. Improved visuals. Various weapons, spells, and items to collect. THE BAD: Not as lengthy or challenging as previous installments. Plot and character development aren't i... Read Full Review
Castlevania PoR ia a great platformer for the nintendo DS.You play as two main characters Jonathan Morris and Charlotte Aulin.Your a two vampire slayers seeking out a mysterious new uprising in the Dracula Mansion.Your n... Read Full Review