This is a very good installment that would appeal to Castlevania fans and new comers of the like.
Castlevania: POR takes place during World War II, and the evil Count Brauner and his vampiric daughters have resurrected Dracula's castle to gain power and take the world away from man. You play as Jonathan Morris, a brash and strong teenager; who has been passed down the Vampire Killer, and Charlotte Aullin, a young witch; who mostly acts as Jonathan's conscience.
The gameplay hasn't changed much. It still has the tried-and-true "Castle-oid" style of gameplay; as have the past several CV games. You can switch between the two main characters on the fly by pressing the X button, and pressing the Y button while holding up: will have Jon and Charlotte do a team move. The only use you'll get out of the stylus is to move your inactive character around on the screen. This style of gameplay delivers quite well, but it's a little disappointing that it didn't take advantage of the stylus as much as it could.
There is wireless and Wi-Fi connectivilty that lets you buy and sell items that you've found in the game, and a co-op mode that lets you and a friend play a boss-rush style game.
The graphics are beautifully done; with detailed backrounds, and with some of the enemies displayed in 3D. Although the story is told in text form, there is some voice acting. Mainly consisting of one-liners when a cut-scene is over.
Overall: This is a very good installment that would appeal to Castlevania fans and new comers of the like.