Just when you think that DoS was great, PoR surpasses that greatness

User Rating: 8.8 | Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin DS
alright so heres my second review for a game.

Gameplay- The gameplay plays and feels similar to DoS from the last year Castlevania but adds a lil more to what DoS didnt. This time you can actually switch between 2 vampire slayers, Jonathon and Charlotte. Jonathon for physical attacks and Charlotte for magic attacks. You can even call the other on the screen at the same time and the computer will control it and it doesnt do a bad job either of controlling your partner. You start off in the game with one of the most powerful weapon in the game, but you cannot unlock its full potential unil later on in the game. The maps and areas you explore are really lengthy, but it does have a lil dull side to it and some areas feel the same as another area. Other than that this game is really good at putting in tweaks to each area.

Graphics- the graphics are almost identical to DoS, but adds more texture and character to the models of the game. Sometimes youll be walking and notice the background is 3D as you move around, which makes it pretty amazing. Sound- the sound has got to be one of the best ive heard, very dramatic and sometimes relaxing. the music really suits each area and gives you the feeling that you were there. Top notch sound make the game stand out more.

Value- the value of this game is really nice considering that theres more to it than just beating the game. you can either play as 2 other 2 partner teams and play them through, or co-op it out with a friend online or offline. the co-op varies as you cannot play the whole game, but simply the boss rushes. And you can only play 1 course for the boss rush when playing online. You can even go into shop mode and set up a shop or shop around to buy items from players that you might no have yet. There is also quests you can finish from the dead man you meet in the game. Tilt- Its really worth the money to get this game, and i do believe that you should try it out if you are unsure of whether or not this game is better than the rest of the castlevanias out there. Allthough this game lacks variety in co-op, there are still memorable moments in which you want to replay the game again for a second or even a third time.