Castlevania Dracula X: Rondo of Blood is my favorite Castlevania game of all time.
Castlevania Dracula X: Rondo of Blood is the last installment of the Casltevania Franchise to have the traditional Feel until the sequel came out which is widely known as the best Castlevania game (Symphony of the Night).
Unlike the sequel this game doesn't have a leveling up system nor does it let you equip items.
Instead it's the same classic Castlevania game that you've been playing in the NES days.
Closely resembling to Castlevania 3 than any of them.
Castlevania Rondo of Blood has Secret Levels and People that you will need to save and a unlockable character (Maria).
When you save a person, you get a animated cutscene of them giving you thanks.
The Game is also Initially hard. If you don't know what you are already doing or you are not familiar with the level. Chances are you're going to die and die hard, but some Bosses are easier than others. With one press of the Select Button with the right amount of hearts and the right item, you may be able to kill the Boss without taking damage.
Speaking of not taking damage, The Game also has Boss Techniques where you can watch the computer fight the boss without taking damage. the bad thing about it is that you have to buy the techs using the credits (money bags) you find through out the game.
The Game also has some of the best music in the franchise and the good thing about it is that you don't have to go to the level and pause to listen to the songs.
you can just go to the soundtest area they provide for you in the game.
The Game also has a Stage Select so if you want to go back to any level, you can.
All in all the game is a Great Addition to the Castlevania Series and the original Game is avalible now for the Virtual Console for 900 Nintendo Points.
Also if you have the original Turbo Grafix 16 version, you should check out the easter eggs they have such as trying to play the game with the wrong card or trying to play the game in a CD player.
Castlevania Dracula X: Rondo of Blood gets a 9.0/10