One of the best games ever made... One of the best Video Game Soundtracks Ever!
First of all I like to say this game is tied with the Nintendo 64 Castlevania as the best overall Castlevania's. I bought, and played this game initially when it just got released. And it reeled me in right off the bat. It was simply an amazing, engaging, and addictive game. I seldom play a game more than once. But I replayed this game right after I finished it, and twice more in the years after that.
Konami has tried to replicate the success with this game many times since, but has failed to completely nail it. After the Nintendo 64 version, the other Castlevania's were simply not up to par with the latter two counterparts.
The game has a decent storyline. But what shines in this masterpiece is the Sountrack, and the gameplay depth. Great level design, great boss battles, TONS of secrets to find, a great menu system, superb controls, cool sidekicks (familiars), super type moves that are actually useful from the getgo, an insane number of different enemies superbly and uniquely designed (and I am not talking about color pallette swaps, but litterally about a hundred different enemies or more that have their own unique look and design), great voice acting, replayability, addictive, great artistic graphics, great equipment, and FINALLY GREAT GAME!!!!!
This game is a must own. Buy it, play it, or regret it!