Great game. Fun to play, and spent lots of time on it. This game is worth paying for.
User Rating: 9.5 | Castlevania: Symphony of the Night X360
This game is a great castlevania game, one of my favorites. I grew up playing the original ones and have loved very few after that, this is one of the few i love. i would recommend paying the 800 points for it. anyone that loves old skool castlevania is going love this one. Anyone one who loves rpgs is going love this. The familiars system is great and while missing one or two from the original *** game it still has alot of fun ones to play with(my favorite being the sword). The masumune makes a comeback with the abliity to level it up by killing things that bleed and collecting the blood. Not only is it old skool platforming at its best it throws in a mix of some rpg elements that make this game a must have for anyone who loves to have fun.