Hands down the greatest Castlevania game to date!

User Rating: 10 | Akumajou Dracula X: Gekka no Yasoukyoku (PSOne Books) PS
In a time where 2D platforming was on it's way out and 3D gaming was becoming the norm, Konami decided to stick with the formula that made it's Castlevania franchise a success for so many years. CVSOTN displays the perfect balance of graphics, music, and solid platforming game play. The replay value is high due to the many RPG elements they threw in the game. These elements will keep gamers enticed to explore as much as possible and find every item available, until no corner of the castle is left unturned. Helping this games playability is it's return to the non-linear gameplay that set Simon's Quest apart from other CV titles. With haunting music, eerie backdrops, and stellar game play, SOTN is a MUST OWN for not just any Castlevania fan, but any gaming fan PERIOD!