Despite being a stripped down verison of the NES classics, this is still an enjoyable romp
User Rating: 7.5 | Dracula Densetsu GB
Be warned. This game is HARD!! What you don't believe a game with four levels can be hard? Okay but don't say I didn't warn you. Why so hard? Well first off its an old-school castlevania, so that alone makes it a challenge, but throw in the fact that you lose your whips strength after a SINGLE HIT, deadly rolling eyeballs that explode when hit (although it is one of the coolest and underrated CV enemies) perilous jumps, and a stage that has you running from screen swallowing spikes three times in a row. Sound like fun? Well for the most part it is. Just remeber that this is an old old GameBoy game so the graphics take a hit, enemies are repetitive, you only have the one whip attack (no subweapons or magic here, that would just make the game easier) and it if you ever master it, it is really short. So in conclusion if you have a Game boy and want a challenge and see this at your local game shop for $10, go ahead and pick it up. You may expierence some hair lose though.