Great game, but not for beginners
Fortunatley, us Americans are fianlly getting a chance to play it with Castlevania: the Dracula X Chronicles for the PSP. This game is a remake of Rondo of Blood with 2.5D graphics, voiceovers, and remixed music.
Now onto the game. The story: it is the late middle ages. For centuries, the people of Transylvania have been at peace for centuries now. But one day, a bunch of evil people get together and ressurect Dracula. This is where you come in. You are Richter Belmont, the current member of the Belmont clan. Dracula kidnaps your girlfriend to be sacrificed so he can gain ultimate power. Now you have to go into Dracula's castle, rescue your girlfriend, and defeat Dracula.
I know what you're thinking, it's cliche. The music on the other hand is the best in the history of the series. And unless you're a Castlevania fan, you have no idea how much that's saying. Now of course, for the gameplay, the most important factor. The game's very fun, it's the same old-school Castlevania before SotN came along. One thing: it's extremley hard, so if you're a beginner, I'd recommend you skip this one. On another note, the vpice acting is crap. It sounds too dramatic msot of the time.
But that's not all, you can also unlock the original version of Rondo of Blood and a remastered version of Symphony of the Night! Freakin' awesome!!!! If you have trouble unlocking them, you can find help right here at Gamespot. Another thing that makes this game cool is that you can play through different paths of levels, making it a very versitaile experience.
So to summarize this review in one scentence, Castlevania: the Dracula X Chronicles is a very fun game with plenty of additional content, but is not reccommended for Castlevania beginners becuase of it's high difficulty.