If you're looking for a game that'll make you want to make you dust off your old PSP, this will do it, and then some.
The story begins with Richter, a descendant of the Belmont clan, hunting down the antagonist of almost every game, Dracula, to rescue Annete, his beloved girlfriend. The story is pretty much standard Castlevania fare, and doesn't really present itself throughout the game, but it really won't matter because the gameplay is so awesome.
Unlike some of the newer incarnations of Castlevania, (Portrait of Ruin and Dawn of Sorrow) Chronicles is entirely linear, similar to the classic Castlevania's. The gameplay is a little hard, but you'll feel a sense of achievement every time you beat that seemingly impossible boss fight. New players be warned. If this is the first time you've ever played a Castlevania game, expect a real challenge. The soundtrack is one of the games finest points. Taking classic Castlevania tunes (Vampire Killer, Bloody Tears, ETC.) and remixing them to near perfection. Each sound effect is crisp and clear, as well. I even found myself visiting the sound test menu once or twice. They're really that good. The graphics aren't the best ever on the PSP, but they do look good accompanied by the amazing artistic direction. As for the unlockable games, each looks about the same as they did on their original consoles. But, the new voice work for SotN may make you want to replay it.
As for the value, let's count for a moment. Two versions of Rondo, Symphony of the Night, and the bonus game (Which I have trouble spelling) all for the price of 29.99, probably multiply that by three if you want to buy all of them on Ebay. So if you have a PSP, definitely do not miss out on this latest Castlevania. You really have no excuse to not get it.