A great combination of some good Castlevania games, a must-own for all Castlevania fans.

User Rating: 9 | Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles PSP
This game includes the remake and the original verison of Castlevania: Rondo of Blood, the last "stage based" Castlevania game before Symphony of the Night came out. Symphony of the Night is also included in this game.
Rondo of Blood, the remake, is a great remake. The 3-D graphics are beautiful, and the controls are good. The thing that might turn most newer gamers away from this game is it's extreme diffuculty. You move up stairs at a very slow pace, and you have a set number of lives per stage, and if you use them all up you have to start over. There are no potions in each stage so you have to maintain your health though the level. The game can be frustrating, but it's more rewarding when you finally beat the stage. All I can say about Rondo of Blood is you have to lose to win.
The Symphony of the night remake was the main reason why I decided to get this game. But believe me, Rondo of Blood is amazing too. When i started playing SoTN i was upset by the smaller screen for it and there being a wallpaper in the back. But once the game starts you dont notice that because of how amazing the game is. The new voice acting doesn't really fit the chacaters though. But it feels like i'm playing it on a PSOne again.
I haven't been able to play the orginal Rondo of Blood yet, but from what i've heard it's even harder than the remake of it. So i'm looking foward to being able to play the orginal.
My final thoughts on this game would be it's a must-own to all Castlevania fans. It's the first time in America that Rondo of Blood is realsed, and it's just extremely fun. If your not a Castlevania fan, I would not reconmend this game.