Amazing game with one of the best PS1 games as an unlockable. A must have!

User Rating: 9.5 | Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles PSP
Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles

This is one of my favourites. It is literally packed with content. I didn't really like it at first, it has quite a steep difficulty curve but once you get used to each level and take your time it's not too hard to beat the game. The main game is a remake of Rondo of Blood and it is good but just doesn't compare to a game you can unlock during the game... a full version of Symphony of the Night.

This for me is the main attraction. It is really a wonderful game, challenging, long, controls very well and the character you play as, along with the enemies, bosses and traps that you go up against are just plain cool. I mean really awesome. I'd never played it before, obviously if you have it will have less of an impact but if you haven't then you should buy this game now (if you only want SotN you can get it on its own on PSN for $9.99). One of my favourite games of all time. I haven't finished it yet but after you finish it... you play it again only this time, the entire castle is turned upside-down. The design team was so good and so dedicated that they designed the game to play either way up. Now if that isn't genius game design I don't know what is.

The single small problem is that the screen doesn't fill the PSP screen. It is centred and at first seems pretty small. But you can see everything, it looks great on the PSP screen and should not be missed.

EDIT: I didn't realise this but if you go to Options on the main menu you can change the screen size of SOTN so that only the borders on the left and right of the screen are visible. The borders are also much smaller than the above screenshot (about 1/2 or a 1/3 of the size).

You can also edit the controls, so instead of the sub-weapon being Up Square you can make it Circle instead. Much better :D!


I have now attained 100% completion on the remake of Dracula X and I've got to say, it's one of my favourite games of all time. At first I was all about symphony of the night but once I play a few more levels of DX I was mesmerised and completely hooked. I now actually prefer it to Symphony of the Night.

Yes the difficulty curve is fairly high if you haven't played a Castlevania game before but it is definitely worth it. The level design is excellent, the enemy design is excellent, the sound is amazing, the visuals are great for a PSP title.

Try to overcome any annoyances at the start such as the slow walking pace, the backwards double jump, holding up to land on stairs and you will find that each is there for a reason either for pacing of the levels, to increase challenge, to do something different and unusual so you have to change tactics or increase players abiltity to interact with the environment.

Each level is challenging and each boss is unique and interesting, my favourites being the hydra and death for various reasons. And it has an extremely challenging final boss which will test your patience and has different forms depending on how many items you have collected (vague to avoid spoilers). Beating him is extremely rewarding and memorable.

I'd recommend the game to anyone who likes a challenge, great level design, fantastic music and loads of great bosses.