Cat Quest is a good game that while doesn't take itself seriously at all has some simple but fun combat mixed with a surprisingly entertaining story. The story isn't going to win any narrative awards but the narrative keeps things moving, it never drags down and while the story is short. You could honestly beat the game in a few hours, it has the right amount of variety to keep things interesting. It is full of 'cat puns' and while they're nothing too original I felt the humor to be lighthearted enough to be enjoyable.
The combat is simple, it has magic and melee attacks and while it isn't deep at all the simplicity of it is nice. It doesn't really get hard at all, there are a few bosses that have a bit of a challenge but anything can be overcome without too much difficulty.
The graphics are like everything else, simple and pleasing on the eyes. It has a very big 90's RPG aesthetic to it. Most of the story and game takes place on an over world and while it would've been nice to have more dungeons rather then the very sort caves that exist, it's serviceable.
The best part about the game? The music. The soundtrack is great and the villain's theme is one of the best I've heard, in a very long time. It's right up there with One Winged Angel. It's simple, which is a reoccurring theme in this game at how simplistic it is but it works and it will stick with you.
The game is very short. You can beat it in a few hours. I ended up doing new game + and with that, if you wanted to breeze through it, you probably could beat it in about 90 minutes. Don't let this detract you though, while it won't probably last hours and hours, the New Game + and New Game Mew features are great additions. This game would be the perfect game to take on a plane ride.
There is plenty of side quests but I'll be honest. They're mostly throw away fetch quests. If you want it, there there but I don't think many would care enough. I figured a play through of the story is good enough and it is a fun game to return to to do a quick play through.
Even though it's very simple and to the point, it's fun and not a bad game at all. It's not going to be the best game you can buy on Steam or PSN or whatever you prefer but you could do a lot worse.