This game has one hot character, but the controls left me cold!

User Rating: 4.2 | Catwoman XBOX
I got this game for a friend who loved the movie. Luckily, it was only 9.95 and there's a reason for that. The controls make it absolutely impossible to achieve some of the tasks. Or, you can attempt to jump in a straight line, with a bad camera angle and after your 20th attempt you may get lucky and pull off a stunt that would be easy as pie in Halo, for example. If you have patience and enjoy cursing at the tv, this game may be what your looking for. If you enjoy being able to eventually find yourself on the down-slope of the games learning curve, pass it up. I must admit that the Catwoman graphics are cool and the music is bumpin' in the nightclub seen. The likeness to Ms. Berry is superb in face and body. However, that must've been where most of the creative juices were focused because most everything else gamers are used to seeing with a big name star and an EA games brand are absent. Try it for the price, but you get what you pay for.