Great retro indie game with great controls, gameplay and story.
User Rating: 9 | Doukutsu Monogatari PC
The gameplay and controls are flawless. The weapon leveling system is unique and fun. I especially like the machine gun when leveled to max because you can basically fly with it if you aim down which helps against many enemies and bosses. Great story and alternate endings make this game near perfect and replayable many times over. Fun soundtrack and graphics with a great vintage feel, metroid, megaman and mario put together. Hard to imagine that one guy made a game this polished by himself. My only complaint is that there is not a save point before and after each boss, particularly at the very end when you have 3 consecutive bosses and no way to recover health and save. Maybe it would be too easy if you could but I would rather the bosses just each be harder than have them be difficult only because you have to beat them all in a row.