Outstanding classic from Pixel, updated for the Wii.

User Rating: 10 | Doukutsu Monogatari WII
There's a whole host of very good reasons why this game gets so much love on the internet. Sure, it looks and plays like something from the SNES/Genesis era, but everything about it has been polished to an absolute mirror shine. With a tiny amount of text and dialogue, Pixel still manages to tell a wonderful story, and present fully fleshed characters that you will grow to love. And the plot may be simple and cliche, yet it stands out proudly in my list of truly great games.

Fans of Metroid and similar games will likely enjoy this the most, but if you're still not sold, do yourself a favor and go download the PC version. It's free, and just about *any* machine out there can handle it. If you like what you see, then do Pixel a favor and purchase the Wii version, so that maybe someday we'll see more greatness from him.

(Just a side note, the "time spent playing" is at least how much time I've logged on the PC version over the years, including replays. In other words, a *very* high replay value for something so simple.)