
User Rating: 6.8 | Caveman Ugh-lympics C64
Ugh-lympics takes the Olympic games back to pre-historic age. Up to 6 people can play against each other in 6 main events.

Saber Race: The player races against an opponent avoiding both obstacles and outrun the Sabre tooth tiger chasing you both. If the opponent passes you, he will push you back towards the tiger to get the upper hand.
Matetoss: Similar to the discus where the player has to spin a woman and try and throw her as far as they can.
Fire making: The player races an opponent to create fire.
Clubbing: 2 players face off holding clubs while standing on a cliff, trying to club the other off the cliff sides.
Dino Race, where the player sits on a dinosaur and races against an opponent, avoiding obstacles on the course.
Dino Vault: A ugh Olympian has to Pole vault over a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The graphics are pretty good for the time, the backgrounds are well done and compliment the action on the screen. The sound is nothing special at all, the opening tune being the most memorable.

The games are entertaining for a few hours but nothing more than that. The events never rise above the button bashing level.