The classic game for the gamer who enjoys the head to head battles with nes graphics.

User Rating: 9 | Caveman Games NES
This game is a great game. All the games are head to head with another player. You run from a saber tooth tiger, club your opponent, throw your mate, etc. The game is a quick learn once you know what the controls are. I had to figure them out since I bought the game used without the manual. If you do not know the controls just ask me and I can give you them.
The bad thing about this game is that once you play it with one person a couple of times it gets boring. In order to keep it exciting, play with different people so you are beating/losing to different people. The different charachters can also switch it up. There is not much of a difference between the charachters with regard to performance. The descriptions of the charachters are sometimes funny.
Overall if you like the nes system including the graphics then you would like this game. Not a game to play alone though.