A good overall game...
If you character gives you a friendly reminder that they can't carry any more when you try to pick up an item, its time to either drop some items that you are not using or time to cash in on this useless stuff and make some serious money! I ALWAYS sold my items. All I did was pause the game and select the "Scroll" and I would warp to the closest shop. Also what was nice about warping to a shop was that there was always a save point there. So I could sell my items and save my game all in the same place. When you level up, you have the option of increasing how much weight you can carry. Every time I leveled up, I always tried to do this. So throughout the game, I had to stop and sell my items less and less.
This game was very too easy to learn and I never once had to refer to a game guide or ever got stuck in an area. The loading time did get frustrating at some points. There were also a few glitches here and there that made some parts really easy for me (the last boss had one that made it possible to beat him) and others that irritated me (I got stuck in a corner and had to reload the game). The game is 100 times better and easier if you have a friend play with you and I actually suggest you beg someone to play this game with you. I started the game with another person briefly and I had much more fun then when I played alone. Just be sure to pick a friend who won’t go around picking up items while your slashing goblins and bugs!
All and all, a good game, that I would definitely play the sequel to. But this is also a game that wasn’t so great that I would play again even though it did give me the option of playing the game over at the end on different difficulty and I could use my character from the previous game. If I was huge fan of the game I would use definitely that feature.