My excitement for this game turned into total disappointment. =(
Game Play 3/10
I am used to playing CoH/V, so based off my love for that game, I expected this game to be very similar. I was wrong. Dead wrong. The flow of this game isn't fun. It's way too easy to level up. The excitement of the game is disappointing. It really really sucks when you are just about to finish up a mission, and someone comes in and steals your glory. Yes you still get credit for the mission, but you loose the glory. Speaking of missions, they are out in the open, they aren't load screens that keep you separate from the outside world. So when you are playing the game and doing missions, you have all this other stuff going on around you. Hectic.
Graphics 8/10
The graphics have a comic book feel to them. This game is like one big graphic novel.
Sound 9/10
The sound is excellent. Everything runs together, the music supports your game play.
Customization 10/10
This has the best character customization I have ever seen. There are way too many options. Maybe too many.
Fun Factor 3/10
This game gets repetitive. After you level up, and you get to choose a power, that is if you get to choose a power (they don't always let you choose powers, it gets very difficult and confusing when you have all these other items you have to choose from that are very vague in their explanations), then if you don't like that power, you can just reset it. As if a super hero could choose/reset their powers. But that's nerdy to think that way.