At first this is a good game, quite shockking how close a replica this is to the PC versions. Then its shows, it is just a replica, a poorly made one. After the long wait in had for this game, i couldn't believe hat a letdown it was. I will give that it initially did have a grip on me with a pc game like database, but then i found that it was too easy to win the matches, even if i tried to lose them! I wouldn't even reccommend this to a football manager games fan as i am one. Save your money for football manager 06, which i am sure will be better. Sorry lads for this disappointment.
If you're looking for a football manager game to keep you busy on the bus, then at last Gusto Games and Eidos have released their PSP adaptation of Championship Manager. However, ever since SI (sports interactive) switch... Read Full Review
Championship manager for the PSP looks great on paper. It has everything the PC version (CM5) has- including the problems. Everything starts of so promising, large database- check, transfers- check, 2D match engine-... Read Full Review