Wow why did I play this
User Rating: 1.3 | Championship Sprint PS3
Yeah if you really liked the racing game back in the day... don't play this piece of dirt. Championship Sprint uses the best use of the PS3 Graphics Engine. I mean can't you see the beutiful grounds of this game very detaild right? Yeah i just spelled detailed wrong it's so bad. the controllers make you want to jump on your PS3 and bash it till it is nothing but scrap metel.
Yeah i know your thinking how can a game be this bad ... I encourage you to play it and then go to Sony H.Q and slap the man. Who in the right mind would want this kind of crappy game on their system. Well if you don't take my word for go ahead and waste those 5$ that you could use getting 2 scoops of ice cream.
DO NOT BUY THIS GAME and ohh yeah
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