A most try for all who love gameshop...
This game is great... the comdey in this game is priceless and in muilplayer games of mini tourments and so on it can be so much fun crushing or dancing around your mates teams to beat them only to be stopped by arcane magie zapping your players.
The combotion of gaining experince from doing anything to scoring a touch down to sadly killing a oppenent player will gain you experince points so you can sharp your team up to be the most brutal team to walk the planet or graveful with skill and cunning to outspmart and really hurt your oppenent with huge victorys....
This is a game that saddly slipped under the radar anywere out of the UK or main land Europe cause it was in a sence Blood bowl and was sold basicly were blood bowl did well... bt i would urge all that havent tried it to give it a chance.