another seemingly ok rpg
Storyline 7/10 expect nothing more or less
yeah, as far as plots go for a unison character game, you cant really expect to much, but to say the least its basicly about you finding keys all over this world while collecting Knights (refering to characters) throughout the game, and that pretty much summerize's it, you play as hyoma a sword weilding type of...guy personitalty along with a finger full of other few original characters, you eventually get absorbed into the diemensoin Eldia (or something similar to that name) and thats when everything starts, the other characters youll meet along the way can range from about 20-50 depending on how well you play the game but most of these characters wouldent be fomuilar to even master level rpg players, not that it really is a problem since every character has there own pre generated personailty, but still it would be better if we knew these characters before hand because ive played alot of rpgs before and i could nearly only identify half, reguardless it shoudlent be hard to find a few chracters that you would like or favor despite knowing nothing about them, ignoring that, for characters that you do know most of there boss's or sworn enemys will be returning in this game as well along with original ones suprisingly and formed a group called Luin that are also looking for the keys to find there way back home,
Gameplay 8/10 suprising
i have to admit, for a mixed character game this is pretty decent with a few flaws, leveling is done fairly diffrent, you hit a target, and gain max stats, as bad as that sounds it makes low lvling alot more simpiler and you not slowed down on stats gain, there is a ranking system to mark how dangerous a character is which is techniqly a level, characters may equiped ANY skill or supporting stat skill giving you alot of freedom up to a certain max which i recall it was around 15, every chracter has 4 specil own stats abilty 2 from being normal, and 2 from using a abilty called realize, when you enter realize you bring out the ultimate weapons of the characters from there prevoius games giving them a stat boost and there ultimate attack as well (by sacrficing a SP bar) for a certain amount of turns, this is a nice abilty and can be used more then just once per battle as long as you have a SP guage on the bottom which is generaly filled by attacking or taking damage storing to the max of 9, the Sp gauge also allows your characters to interestingly co op in attacks as long as there in range so they dont have to just sit there and watch a character take there turn and can consist of all your party wailing on a single target, which makes the gameplay a bit more diverse and interesting, the gear you can wear is general simple as well, 1 weapon, 1 armor, 3 asccory slots, and of course you have freedom to equip whatever besides the weapon that should match the respective character, the diffculty of the game is nice as well for the game to really make the game live up to his names sometimes because your skirmishs can really turn into a chaos war, with all that said, there really isnt any real flaws i can pick out of other then this game could just use alot better optional key systems with there outragous requirements,
Graphics 7/10 good,
yeah, its 2D,and partly 3D stage wise, nothing wrong with that but the staging modeling does seem a bit lazy and crudely shaped, but other then that everything else is alright i suppose, the 2D models of characters might be not the best but they arent worse, plus you get nice extra art concept for every character,
Music 9/10 unbelivable...
incredibily...the original music, the character themes from the other games, all almost hit epic levels, the english voice acting however DOES NOT, this is the worst voice acting for PS2 in history, please...please,please save your ears and switch the voice acting to japan, i wont even begain to explain how terrible to english voice acting is, however the in game voices will be in japan reguardless and would all be so much better if they had subtitles so i know what there saying, but sadly, there is not,
Replay abilty 7/10 slightly dissipointing
other then to collect the characters you missed or a new game plus, thats really all the reason there is to replay it again, but there is a nice section of art work to unlock for each character, though that can be done through the first play,
Final word...chaos wars is a decent rpg as far as mixed character games can go, its nothing to breath taking, but not really a failure ether, P.S, Wallace is so incredibly broken in this game he destorys everything,