Simple graphics, but solid chess AI for novices and casual players alike.
First of all, the graphics are not pretty. They seem to be taken straight out of a GBA game. No 3D chess boards, no frills. Very boring and straight forward. But one does not buy a chess game for state of the art graphics. One buys a chess game for the gameplay. The AI in Chessmaster is pretty competent and the various virtual opponents in the game will play with a variety of styles and openings. Unlike Clubhouse Games which tends to use the same tactics again and again. The computer is good enough to give a good challenge to any novice or casual player (like myself). I guess your mileage will vary depending on how skilled you are.
Chessmaster also has several mini games and puzzles that try to help you improve in specific areas of the game. It has simple puzzles like, find the move that will give checkmate, and mini games like, moving your pawns without getting captured. Another feature is a digitized Josh Waitzkin will give you critic and offer his digital advice to try and help you improve your game. This could have been a very neat feature, but his advice is not very in depth and usually goes something like, "You need to work on your focus". Gee thanks, very informative. So, obviously don't go ditching your current chess coach for this game.
Thought the graphics are nothing special, the AI is solid and plays with different styles and strategies. And the puzzles and minigames are entertaining. Overall, this game is really good for a chess player on the go, or on the can.