A creative Adventure Platform game
The graphics are pretty good. Wish there was better quality cut scences, even in flashbacks. They are not the most mind blowing graphics, but at least they still work and far from awful.
The sound is pretty decent in the game. I like it the sounds you make with chibi Robo play music insteed of real mechcanical sounds, it kind of reminds me of the old cartoon shorts of Disney animation and Looney Tunes. You get used to the "voices" of the characters for a while, at least the dialoge is texted on screen.
The gameplay is pretty good. I usually like games with a little action to make it interesting, but far being to horrible. I can tell you this, this is not for those who love pure action games. The controls do work very well, glad you have direct control of Chibi-Robo insteed of point and clicks, this makes the game easier.
The value, maybe a good long rental from Game Fly would do. Right now I don't suggust buying it at $50. Wait a few or several months for it to lower to $20. But at least it is one of the most unique games to play.