Great game for my 4 year old Son! Only problem I have is LONG (un-escapeable) intro and cut scenes.
The control seems very good with fine adjustments registering.
Graphics are good for an aged system, and in view of that great for the system.
Game play is nice so far in that my Son can play it without having to read, and I can help along the way for the more (slightly) technical tasks.
I would rank this a great value, for what we have gotten from it. But what price can you put on your child saying, "It's just what I wanted!" at his birthday?
The ONLY PROBLEMI have so far is that the LONG introduction and cut-scences are not ESCapable. Why? My son erased his game by mistake (he IS 4) and had to sit through all of it again. A real detractor. There SHOULD have been an ESCape key on all cut scenes.