Chibi-Robo is about a five inch robot who is basically a household appliance. First, you purchase the robot, then he starts cleaning your house. You play as the fore mentioned robot and your job is to clean the house. You might think this is a stupid game just because of the premise, but it soon gets interesting when the game turns to night. When it is night time all the toys come alive. This creates an interesting night to day mechanic. Some objectives can only be completed when the toys are awake while others can only be completed when the parents are awake. This game is what I like to call a progressive adventure game. What I mean by this is you gather items and the items allow you to access new areas. Basically, you acquire items, then go to new areas, but don't forget you are supposed to clean the house. Cleaning the house gives you heart points and when you get to a certain amount you level up, which gives you battery power. Battery power is basically your health, but everything decreases it walking, scrubbing the floor, falling from a ledge, and countless other things. This is just scratching the surface this game has a lot of depth and the adventure will take you ten to twelve hours and doing everything will take you about twenty hours. One final note this game is funny, very comical definitely check it out if your into adventure games or just like fun video games.
Skip designed the Japan-only GIFTPIA for Nintendo Gamecube. Savvy gamers waited and prayed and hoped that Giftpia might get an english translation, but it was not to be. Shame on you Nintendo !! But Skip has give... Read Full Review
The game is great. I love playing it but I only have one complaint and that is the day and night in the game. It's too short. By the time I get to a high place in another room I run out of time. Then I have to start ... Read Full Review