A complete waste of time. Thankfully it's short.
Chicago Enforcer is a first-person shooter that takes place in Chicago. You play a mob enforcer working for Al Capone. Cool premise, but the game still manages to be awful and worthless. I really don't know where to begin.
The first thing you'll notice if you play this game for some reason, is that the graphics are bad. I don't play last-gen games for the graphics, so I don't care too much about graphics generally, but this game looks more like a game from 2 generations ago. Sometimes bad graphics are forgivable, if there is a lot going on in the game, like a living city. But this game, set in Chicago, has completely empty streets. No cars, and very very few civilians walking around. It's empty. Just you, other enemy mobsters, and a few cops walking around. And the levels themselves are small, usually only a city block and a couple streets. But despite that, the load times between levels or after you die are ridiculously long.
The AI is just bad. There really isn't any AI. If a mobster sees you, he'll stop in his tracks and start shooting until you kill him. That's it, even for bosses, who are the same but require more shots to kill them. The cops are just hilarious. If you have your gun put away, they won't bother you, but as soon as you pull it out they open fire. However, if your gun is put away and the other mobsters open fire on you and chase you around trying to kill you, the cops continue to just mosey around like nothing's happening. But the second you pull your gun, they come after you. I guess you're supposed to imagine that they're corrupt and working for the other family, but in reality I think it's just bad programming.
There are a handful of guns in the game, and they all seem to be the same. Even the shotgun, which is supposed to be for close quarters, can be used to pick off guys on the roof. Strange. And the shooting is bad, you have a reticle but you don't really need to use it, as long as there's an enemy on screen all you have to do is fire away and you seem to hit them whether you're on target or not.
The only good thing about this game is that it's short. But even that is the result of a screw up. There's an escort mission, where you have to escort Capone himself out of hostile territory. Before the mission you're told that you have to get Capone to safety, then it will be time for your final mission. But as soon as you get Capone to safety, the credits roll and it's game over, LOL! I can't say I was disappointed though, I was just glad to be done.
I have even more negative things to say about this game, but I think I got the general point across that this game is bad. Usually I try to balance things by putting the good points in here as well, but this game really has no redeeming qualities. I guess the voice acting is all right, but there's very little of it. And the game's idea is good, you can't go wrong with playing a mob enforcer. Actually, I take that back, you can go wrong, and this game proves it.