Chicken Shoot might as well be an Internet flash game. It's fun for about five seconds.
When it comes to budget titles, one must not expect much. However, Chicken Shoot is pushing the boundaries of this rule a little too much. The game contains three modes: arcade, classic, and catch an egg. Arcade and classic mode are almost exactly the same, with the exception of a timer only present in one mode.
First of all, the graphics look like something off of the SNES or Nintendo 64. Obviously no effort was put into the quality of this game.
In both Arcade and Classic mode, chickens will fly left and right, fall from the sky, and sit on the ground. Your mission is to shoot down the most you can. Sometimes, chickens may fire eggs at the player. Eggs block sight, but otherwise do not offer a penalty. Both modes, though they contain multiple backgrounds, are nonetheless redundant, especially how no gameplay mechanics change, and the player will quickly bore of the same gameplay.
A slight variety in weapons is given. The pistol is an infinite ammunition handgun that fires with the B button and reloads with A. The machine gun is a rapid-fire weapon, while the shotgun kills many chickens in a single blast.
Multiplayer is available, but only if the player wants to subject his or her friends to this boredom.
Catch an Egg, a minigame, is a very shallow experience with horrible controls. Four chickens hang from balconies, and your job is to catch the eggs they drop. By moving the Wii Remote up, down, left, and right, you will catch eggs. Unfortunately, the controls are almost always unresponsive, while the game never tells you how many eggs you've missed. The game over screen comes without warning. A lack of bonus items exasperates the shallowness. Even children might not find entertainment in this underdeveloped game.
The Good:
1. Multiple Weapons are Offered
The Bad:
1. Too Shallow
2. Not Worth the Money
3. Too Short
4. Horrible Graphics
5. No Story
6. Bad Controls in Egg Catch
7. Lack of Variety in Gameplay
The bottom line: it's amazing how horrible games like this could possibly be released without a single complaint. Do not buy this game unless you're giving a gag gift.