Child Of Eden is the best Kinect game to date. Visually-Gasmic (Visgasmic), it combines awesome gameplay improved upon r

User Rating: 9 | Child of Eden X360
Child Of Eden is the best Kinect game to date. Visually-Gasmic (Visgasmic), it combines awesome gameplay improved upon Rez, a similar experience made by Q Entertainment for the PS2 and Dreamcast, and pure happiness and euphoria. Unfortunately, the experience is limited to a short 2 hours maximum "story mode". A controller can also be used to play, depends on how you wish to play. Graphically, the game clearly shows intense work on the art of the game. Diverse creatures such as gigantic whales floating through eden transforming into a fiery phoenix, and multi winged viruses are just a few of the examples you shall see in eden. Also, the level design is eye-popping and the most beautifully designed game i've seen this generation. The Sound in this game is a beautiful mix of japanese techno created by the Genki Rockets. The "popping" sounds of the blocks fading is awesome too.

I must say imo that Kinect is the better experience vs a standard 360 controller. The ability to lock on and purify targets is just a feeling you can't beat. The vulcan gun is awesome. I experimented with 2 controllers in my pockets set on full vibration (its perfectly viable for them to fit in your pants pockets), and the beat instantly hit me and i started racking up those perfect purges. Replayability is kind of low, as the story playthrough is only around an hr 1/2-2 hrs including hope archive. But theres alot of collectibles to get, so it ups it a bit. Overall, i'd either give it a rental (Gamefly ftw) or get it when its lower (40$ atm).
Overall: 9.0