The best dungeon crawler I've played in years. Hands down.
Yes, this is not the same type of game as SoM, but anyone without a stick in their anus will sure as shoot be able to enjoy this game if they are fans of the dungeon crawler type of RPG.
I will list some positive and negative things about this game.
The Bad
-Bizarre physics system can be frustrating and chaotic (especially when you use the hammer, but it was definitely designed that way for a reason)*
-The Sword of Mana magic system has been carried over (The best magic system was in SoM or LoM, but LoM's couldn't work in this type of game), making the Mage character, Poppen, relatively worthless as he can only have 1 attack spell and 1 support spell equipped at a time. In my opinion, the magic system brings the game down more than anything else.
-Since it is a dungeon crawler, you can only play it for so long before the hacking and slashing loses its charm for a while.
-Fury gauge fills up too slow. If it filled up faster, it would've been an awesome feature, but you need to make use of the gem-frame to make it any use at all.
-There's a somewhat sad absence of story-telling that has been strong in almost every other game in the series.
The following are items that others have complained about that I myself either don't mind or just never have a problem with.
Common Complaints:
-Monster grinding gets tedious... It's basically one button over and over: True, but if you feel like using the magic in the game, you're certainly welcome to, and it does help. You can also take advantage of the game's extra special attacks if you use the gem-frame wisely and use various weapon types for added variation.
-It's too easy to run into your elemental summon and set off a support spell instead of the attack spell you wanted... IMHO, this only happens to idiots. Never once has it happened to me, so don't listen to this deep-digging BS.
-Gamespot's bias toward the classic Mana games of yesteryear seeps through in their hate-filled unfair review of this gem... For example, they say it seems like "Children of Mana feels like a relic of game design. The simplistic dungeon crawling feels almost primitive by today's standards" but I disagree entirely. Children of Mana does something quite unique; it takes an old Dungeon Crawler RPG like Diablo and mixes it with a console RPG, and the result is something rather genuinely new. It in no way feels dated or primitive to anyone with a half-open mind.
The Good
-Tons of customization from picking one of four characters, one of four character colors, naming (duh), and the spectacular gem-frame system allows you to develop which moves and strengths you choose based on your fighting style.
-Multiplayer is fantastic (yet sometimes chaotic if you're not careful)
-The game never claims to be anything but a dungeon crawler in its presentation, and it does this extremely well
-The musical score is excellent
-I read a review that said CoM's graphics were basically "ported to the DS" from Sword of Mana, but clearly, they've never played either game if they can say that. The graphics quality is virtually the same calibur as LoM, and thus, gorgeous.
-Dozens of familiar characters and monsters (Niccolo is one of the four player characters to choose from, under the guise "Wanderer")
-The story, while a little weak, is coherent and much easier for a literate person to follow than most of these reviews would have you believe.
-Easy to comprehend controls provide a small learning curve that can make anyone an adept inside an hour.
-Tons of side-quests and "Dud Bear Service" jobs to do that will keep you busy for hours at a time, if you let it.
-Dual-wielding makes for a very convenient gaming experience... The ring menu also returns very nicely in this game to better organize item and weapon use (but you may also use the touch screen)
-I believe there are seven different dungeon systems, all looking completely different and featuring different enemies and hazards. NOTE: While the entire game is go to town, go to dungeon, rinse, lather, repeat... the same can be said of any game in the dungeon crawler genre, and some of these were masisve hits (Diablo II anyone?)
-The bosses are giant mana beasts very much in the spirit of all the other mana games. This is one area where CoM regains its classic SoM feel.
If there is a need, I'll add things to the above categories as I realize or remember something, but I think this is a relatively complete list.
The reality is this: CoM, standing on its own, is a great dungeon crawler. Is it SoM? No. Every Mana game since SoM has pushed the genre barrier in a new way, and it has always met with mixed reviews. Well my review is not mixed. I submit that this game is a resounding success in its own right. It's a great game that shouldn't be overlooked by fans of the Mana games, or just general good plain fun. If you're looking for depth of character development and customization, its got that. Lots and LOTS of side quests, sub quests, main quests, item collecting, etc. to be done... Tons of monsters are ready to try to overwhelm you, but if you keep leveling up on schedule, you should be fine! No worries.
All in all, the game is great and I rate it superbly. Pick up a copy. Have your friend grab one too, because everyone agrees, the multiplayer kicks ass. Thanks for reading, I hope I was able to help.