This game is AMAZING!!you will love it so much,i recommend it ;) !!If you want to play and laugh,this is it!! :)
User Rating: 8.5 | Chili Con Carnage PSP
A very good game,if you want to have fun,to kill many bad guys,to laugh,you need to play this game,this is the game i recommend you!!Tons of guns,tons of enemies,tons of fun,tons of everything!!If you have ever played Total Overdose you know what you will play,and expect what,so this is the game,once again,the crazy mexicans and the farmers,and all the stuff you know from the other games,this is pure fun,and still for me,a great achievement for the PSP,you should at least play this!!Talking now about the graphics,the game isnt so cool in graphics,and also the controls are not so cool, but hey,don't worry about it,at least it still is an enjoyable game and also a very funny game,and also playable because i played worse,and this can be a good game for the one's who like some action,because action is what the game has,and very original in some parts,but also not so original when we talk about the bullet time lol,it also has the bullet time,ubeatable because you know the existence of Max Payne lol!!But even so,as i said before,this game rocks,is a good game,i like it very mch,it has a good length,so play it!