I really enjoyed playing this game as a 7th grader at Pak Mann Arcade in Pasadena, Ca. It was unbelievably violent to a comical extreme. My friends and I would laugh at the fake screams, and at the fact that the point of the game is to shoot people who are already tied up. It doesn't get any more psychopathic than that! I'm calling this "Revolutionary" because it pushed the violence envelope (and pushed it a lot further) long before games like Mortal Kombat and Doom attracted the media outcry of the early 90s. I wonder if there are still any of the old stand-up machines out there...
This is a very hard game to review here, I never even heard of it until I had to research about video game violence..and lo and behold: Chiller! Well, all I can tell you is that this is one of the most bloodiest games... Read Full Review
Lame graphics but godlike bloodyness. Brutal and gruesome, play this if you can find it. Where were the soccer moms when this one hit? Lame graphics but godlike bloodyness. Brutal and gruesome, play this if you can f... Read Full Review