Completely broken to the point of unplayable
Graphics: nice, good death annimations.
Sound: good sound, voice acting is funny and environment sounds are also pretty nice.
Now what hurts this game:
Gameplay: horrible. Long range units are mostly random projectile throwers, because the projectiles do not travel instantly like in normal shooters, so you have to calculate: latency of the server **AND** the curve that the arrow does due to gravity **AND** guess where the enemy will move next. If you're lucky enough, you can get a headshot here and there, or a neck shot, both seem to grant an instant kill, but it's 90% lottery and 10% skill. Friendly fire is completely free, so expect being killed VERY often by your team mates. Ranged players are uncapable to avoid their own mates, so you must choose: either attack their backs gambling a **possible** enemy hit or just watch the frontline battling, while you find an enemy wandering around alone. Anyway, if you find a melee class wandering around as you're ranged, you WILL lose the duel. So it's a pointless class. Javelin ranged is a bit interesting as it has some melee and medium range potential, but bleh.
Bugs: plenty of them. I got myself stuck in the training mode MANY times in different moments. Sometimes clipping/collision bugs makes you get stuck in a random wall, and theres no way to save the training progress. You have to start all over. The main training is UNFINISHABLE right now, because the advanced training is BROKEN, the feint part does not work, you keep feinting forever and no "good work" or whatever message appears from the sparring guy. Therefore you can not proceed and learn what the gameplay (supposedly) has to offer. This is a laughable piece of... well, you know, I will hold my mouth here.