Excellent choice when you want to blow things away!
The graphics are OK for 98, with very little slowdowns when the things turn hot. Sometimes you have a lot of fun with many enemies and a bit difficulty.
There are two difficult settings, NORMAL and EXPERT.
The EXPERT features a secret weapon and a new stage (pretty hard when you don’t know what to do there, searching desperately for a fuel tank!).
You have a training mode too, where the enemies don’t shot at you. It’s ok for learning how to aim correctly.
There are two control settings. RIGHT and LEFT.
The RIGHT setting looks like the Turok setting, and the LEFT is pretty unplayable.
It’s Rumble Pak compatible, and saves in the game pak.
The BGMs are cool. Not very ambitious, without vocals… And the sound is pretty cool, but nothing to care about. There are some funny phrases when you shot…
The worst thing is the replay value. The game is too short, seven stages in NORMAL and eight in EXPERT. You’ll want more stages…
You always have missions to complete in each stage. Like blasting radars, rescuing hostages and the coolest, destroying every enemy unit! And some stages occur at night of the previous stages, that’s interesting… =)
There are eight choppers with different features, like handling, speed and ammo capabilities, like missiles to ground, to air, countermeasures, bombs, etc., and others secret choppers to unlock. You buy the ammo at the beginning of each stage. So try to earn more score points if you want more weapons!
You can select three camera distances from behind (no cockpit) and some missile cameras with pretty cool animation.
There is a fun enemy, a Rambo look-a-like, that grabs your chopper and the control goes crazy! Very cool!
That’s a cool game after all! Excellent choice when you want to blow things away! ^^