starts Slow and starts Badly, and doesnt really get any better
ChoroQ starts off really slowly, your car is slow, lousy, and cant really do or win anything with it. basically, its crap. and it makes you not want to race at all because it is just too darn hard. but once you have overcomed the lack of ability of your car and upgraded it to something much better, you will find that it is pretty fun - for awhile.
the game does consist of pretty looking tracks and some of them are simply quite breathtaking. and the amount of parts available for purchase, the colours and accessories you can obtain, will keep you wanting to race to get them all. the story element is also not all that bad, but not great either. some of them are fun and worth taking up ( and actually takes you somewhere ) but some are just absolutely terrible and filled with too much "car talking" scenes and not enough racing.
but thats all the good points. one of the bad points - actually the worst part of the game - is the music. its irritating and is constantly on repeat forever and ever. it just consists of 2 - 3 beats and thats it. after awhile, i swear you'll go crazy. what else is wrong with the game ? well, the grpahics are poor. extremely poor. for a PS2 title, you would expect much better.
and another flaw with the game is the mechanics itself. when you crash, you dont really crash, you fly, and then bounce, and then find yourself somewhere totally different from where you thought you would be ( sometimes you would bounce into 1st place ).
all in all, ChoroQ has its fun bits, but when its all taken into consideration as a whole, it fails miserably.