This game could have been great but I'm afraid it's just not good enough to match with the big ones.
The levels are open and really big witch is cool to, you can use loads of different tactics to get to accomplish your goals. The sound effects are good as well. But the major part of a game, the gameplay, is very dissappointing, this game just doesn't feel like a good shooter should feel like.
The storyline is good but doesn't save the game, the cyber implants are a real dissappointment as you can only use them for a short time, you don't actually need them and the don't work good enough.
The multiplayer is crap and you shouldn't even try it. My conclusion, this game leans on the enormous outside levels and the graphics, but since the gameplay just isn't good enough the game isn't really worth it. If you can buy this game for a budgetprice I would buy it because of the good things, for the full price you can get games that are much better.