With such high customization, and a engaging online play this game is going to be around for a while.

User Rating: 8.9 | Chromehounds X360
Chromhounds is the kind of game that someday will be recognized as a game that started things. This game is online based, meaning if you don’t have the internet or don’t play online much, don’t buy the game, rent it or just don’t even think about it. The single player campaign is about 6-8 hours of play time if you don’t go for any of the S rankings. It is basically one big training mission for the online play. Online is where it hits the fan. You have different options for online play and it is similar to most games where you play ranked, unranked, and squad (clan) matches. The first two are pretty normal, but the squad based play is where the true colors of chromehounds shines. Squad games revolve around a fictions online war versus the three countries in the game. You pick your side and vie for control of the region until a winner emerges and then the war resets its self. In this mode the game forces you to join a team and become more involved by participating is the war to earn money. The money you then earn pays for new parts and upgrades. Each "hound" you make is totally customizable. The game gives you about 50 parts for completing single player mode, and then there are possibly hundreds more online to "buy". Parts are supplies by each of the three individual countries and each one makes some parts better than the other. In addition all countries are researching "experimental parts" which are released on a lottery system. Throw in customizational camo patterns and user made icons, the odds of you running into your twin in battle are nearly non existent. What chromehounds lacks are stable servers. The game relies on player connections to each other rather than a central server. For a game based on online play this occasionally poses problems for larger groups and limits game sizes to 6v6. But do have the option of subbing out human vs human 6v6 matches for human vs computer, which does lead to an occasional higher difficulty match when sometimes there are multiple computers loaded out with nothing but the big guns. With such high customization, and a engaging online play this game is going to be around for a while and will be a basis for future games.