I wasn't really looking forward to this game because it seemed like just another mechassault, but it turned out worse.

User Rating: 2.8 | Chromehounds X360
I wasn't really looking forward to this game because it seemed like just another mechassault, but it turned out worse. I rented it and I feel the game is so bleak and boring. The mechs arn't even that cool looking and the weapons don't really do anything new in terms of mech games (hounds in this).

Gameplay - is.... simple and boring ... what more.

Graphics - explosions are cool, but Graws were much better and COD2 had much better smoke. Hounds are plain and don't take advantage of SM 3.0. Sure a few lighting effects so what, plain texture. The enemy tanks/soldiers and landscapes are ugly.

Sound - music, not much and its bad. Not very loud or thunder like sounding hounds like the vehicles should be, there huge guns should be more louder than they are and more powerful in sound.

Don't even rent, not even worth $6. Stay away from this one.